
Laminate Worktops
Over 30 Years Experience

Over 30 Years Experience

Affordable Prices

Affordable Prices


Full Project Management


Quality Service

When it comes to worktops the choice is endless and somewhat overwhelming. I want to take a moment to look at the trusty laminate option and why it is still a great choice in our kitchens today.

Laminate Worktops – why are they still the most popular choice?

Laminate Worktops

Let’s be honest, laminate worktops have developed a bit of a bad rap over the years: the cheaper, less durable and unattractive option.

I think they are worthy contenders in the worktop market and shouldn’t be overlooked when you’re considering your options.
Here’s why:

Choice: Laminate worktops have the greatest range of textures, colours and finishes compared to their counterparts. This allows a tremendous amount of flexibility when designing your kitchen. From rustic and exotic woodgrains, cool stones and urban finishes to granite, marble and quartz effects there is a finish to compliment all kitchen styles. A good quality laminate can be very difficult to tell apart from solid wood and stone. They are available in round and square edge from 40mm to ultra-thin and stylish 12mm. All come with matching upstands and splashbacks to complete the look.

Hygienic: Compared to other, more expensive kitchen worktop materials, including hardwood timber and many stones, laminate is one of the most hygienic surfaces you can choose, being less porous and easy to wipe down.

Cost Effective: There is no denying there are some beautiful granite and quartz worktops but they can come at an eye watering price. Laminate worktops are incredibly good value for money, costing a fraction of their more expensive counterparts.

Low Maintenance: Laminate worktops are tough and robust – able to stand up to the wear and tear of a busy family kitchen. Highly resistant to scratches, cracks and stains, just be careful with very hot pans.
Quick Installation: As well as being easy to maintain, laminate is also relatively simple to install, meaning less mess and inconvenience. A professional fitter can have these installed within the day, so you can get back to the important job of living and enjoying your kitchen sooner.