
How to reorganise your kitchen to suit your lifestyle
Over 30 Years Experience

Over 30 Years Experience

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Let’s be honest, your kitchen is probably one of the busiest rooms in your home but that doesn’t mean it has to be full of chaos, right? There are plenty of ways to reorganise your kitchen using smart storage ideas. There’s really no need to invest in a total restoration project.

Why not simply refresh your current kitchen by modifying and reorganising the space available to better suit your lifestyle? At The Kitchen Revival, our team of experts is here to help you make the most of your space, so meal preparation is seamlessly smooth, and those family mealtimes are as enjoyable as ever.

Divide Up Your Drawers

If you’re one of those people who find cluttered drawers bring more stress than they’re worth, then consider introducing draw dividers. Yes, now is the time to wave goodbye to searching frustratingly and tirelessly through your drawers to find exactly what you’re after. It’s easy to see why more and more busy homeowners are now using drawer dividers. Not only will they allow you to easily know exactly where specific items are, saving you much-needed time, especially during your hectic morning routine and when prepping meals, but they also allow you to utilise all of the available drawer space too.

Kitchen Drawer Storage

If you’re one who likes comparting off their belongings, then dividing up your drawers is a must. Having drawer dividers encourages you to allocate draw space to specific groups of kitchen items, like tableware, or pots and pans. This means you can utilise the location of the drawers too, like placing pots and pans near the oven, which is perfect for busy homeowners looking to make cooking a seamlessly effortless task.

Tackling Those Blind Corners

Most kitchen designs come with some sort of corner cupboard. You know the ones, those cupboards where you have to pull everything out, just to find that box of cereal bars, or bottle of squash, right at the back, before restacking everything in again. Wave goodbye to those infuriatingly annoying times, thanks to corner storage systems.

Corner storage systems really do put the ‘maximise’ into maximising your kitchen space. Made up of multiple shelving layers, corner storage systems pull out from your corner cabinet in a draw like fashion.

Plus, the great thing about corner storage systems is that they can be used for almost anything you want. Some people use them to store pots and pans, others decide they’re more beneficial for storing large food jars. Our advice is to have a think about their location and decide what you can store in there to make your kitchen flow better and meal preparation that little bit easier.

Pull-out Kitchen Storage

Pull-out Cabinets

Pull out cabinets really do allow homeowners to utilise their storage space while also adding a modern-day stylish element to any kitchen. Gone are the days of not being able to easily access the back of your cupboard, thanks to this pull-out mechanism which allows you to literally pull out the drawer and easily see the contents on your cabinet.

If located next to your kettle, then why not use your pull-out cabinet to organise cups, sugar, teabags and coffee? Likewise, if the cabinet is nearer to your hob, then consider using this space for spices, herbs and oils. With busy families and adults in mind, these pull-out cabinets are designed to make preparing meals in the kitchen as easy as possible.

When it comes to kitchen space, there are so many genius ways to reorganise your storage, at affordable prices to suit both your lifestyle and budget. If you’re considering a kitchen makeover or are looking for ways to make the most of the space you have then contact The Kitchen Revival. Our team can help transform your kitchen, to suit your lifestyle, with minimum fuss but outstanding results.